Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Election Night 2020

I cannot believe it's actually here. Election Night...It feel like I've aged 10 years since 2016. I think a lot of us feel that way. 

What's going to happen? I turned on the news as they were talking about businesses who have boarded up their stores in anticipation for tonight and this is not the first time I've heard this. It seems that across the board, whether Biden wins or Trump holds, people expect there to be violence. An article I read yesterday said that gun sales have shot up in 2020. People are anxious, antsy, depressed, facing intense quarantine fatigue with no end in sight, they're out of work and know that we won't know a definitive winner tonight. 

What is going to happen?

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Four Years Later...

I just spent an unreasonable amount of time trying to recover this blog and an even more unreasonable time doom-scrolling through my old Tumblr post trying to relive my artistic "glory days". 

It's been 4 years since I've logged into this blog and in 4 years a hell of a lot has happened. I mean, we're in the middle of a pandemic now. I think that is as drastic a difference as there can be. Also, I'm ten million times happier now than I've ever been (well maybe not as a child but I think I'm as close as I can get to that.) I came out to my parents and am in a committed relationship with the girl of my dreams (and before you don't ask, it's not the girl that I was obsessing about for 2 years). I cry all the time, constantly, an act of kindness, a video on my phone, a random Tuesday, I actually weep. (Three cheers for improving my emotional intelligence.) I moved out of my parent's place and have been living with said girlfriend for over a year. As I said, a whole hell of a lot has happened. 

So why am I back?

Great question. 

Well, being locked down for over 7 months has given me a lot to think about. It's made me realize that I haven't been this lonely, since college. That realization led me to old stories I wrote, old journals, my old finsta, my old Tumblr, and ultimately here. Looking back at that stuff reminded me of that disconnected, isolated, anxiety ridden version of myself I hadn't thought about in probably 3 years and it felt a little too close to home. 

I don't think I ever really understood how lonely I was. I mean, I had to have had an idea because I wrote about it all the time, but I don't think I really understood. Looking back, I could just feel myself calling out for any kind of human interaction. In my stories I wrote about the girl who was never fully understood. On my finsta and Tumblr I posted for complete strangers. I let them in on my thoughts and feelings because I didn't know them and their opinions didn't carry as much weight as my family or friend (that's not a typo) which made it easier to be myself. I did the same here with my blog posts. First, I tried the DIY/Tutorial route with my alcohol ink sprays and Altoids tin watercolor palette, but that didn't go far. Then I switched it up to show my art/writing journal, but again that faded fast. Right before I left, I tried the classic "spill your guts" blog post style and then I disappeared for 4 years.

Four years ago I was pining after a girl who I haven't spoken to in over 2 years. Five years ago I was a senior in college with no friends and no idea how I was going to pay off $22,000 of student loan debt. Six years ago I was a junior in college who lived with my aunt and uncle and would pretend I was asleep so that I wouldn't be asked about my day because I never had any plans. During that time, I produced some of my favorite, most creative, artistic work. I was bold. I switched mediums often and even believed I could write a book someday. I want that back...minus the isolation and depression bits. I want to see if I can create while happy.

I guess I'll find out. 

With Love,